How it works
Service agreement
Our service agreement is very straight forward. We agree a fixed annual fee to provide your hotel with representation. There are no additional or hidden costs. Our annual fee covers:
Ongoing sales calls and telesales to our extensive list of tour operators and agents
Representation at key trade workshops and travel fairs, Ireland, UK and Europe
Contracting tour operators and agents
Inclusion in preferred partner programmes with specific tour operators and agents
Inclusion in direct mailings to operators and agents throughout the year
Securing features for the hotel in tour operator brochures
Inclusion in promotional offers throughout the year
Organising site visits to hotel - when requested by operators
Twice yearly report of enquiries generated
Listing in the Trinity Hotel Groups brochure
We will discuss rate setting with you and issue contracts on your behalf.
Contracting rates
Enquiries and reservations
Our central reservations team will field all incoming enquiries from the tour operators and travel agents. This allows us to cross sell if the particular hotel the agent has requested is not available. It also allows us to track the level of enquiries being generated for your hotel. Once a new enquiry comes in, we will contact your hotel to check availability. It is imperative that we receive a prompt response so we can revert quickly and secure the booking. Once the availability has been confirmed, we will hand the reservation over to the hotel to manage directly with the agent. The hotel is responsible for chasing up confirmation, rooming lists and billing.